9 February 2020

Recent years have seen the development of various devices that allow individuals to control or monitor features of their home with the push of a button. These gadgets—also known as smart home technology—give homeowners like you the ability to bolster household security measures with smart locks, cameras and doorbells; the benefit of ensuring a more energy-efficient home with smart heating and electrical systems; and the potential to be a top-notch host with smart entertainment devices.

Although this technology can undoubtedly offer a variety of conveniences within your household, it also carries unique risks. Because many smart home gadgets are controlled via internet connection or through apps on your mobile devices, this technology can increase your exposure to cyber-criminals.

Without proper security precautions in place, hackers could tap into any one of your smart gadgets—gaining access to both your home and any personal data stored on your devices. Don’t let a hacker take advantage of your new household technology. Use these measures to keep your devices secure:

  • Create strong passwords—Ensure all of your devices’ passwords (including your wi-fi password) are unique and difficult to guess. Avoid using common phrases or personal information (e.g. your birthdate).
  • Consider additional authentication—Always check to see if your devices offer two-factor authentication capabilities (e.g a password and a fingerprint or facial scan). If so, be sure to enable this feature.
  • Conduct routine updates—Keep up with regular software updates to help protect your gadgets from contracting bugs, malware or viruses.

More than anything, don’t forget to consult Verlingue about updating your home insurance policy as you implement new household gadgets.

This article is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to be exhaustive, nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as professional advice. Readers should contact a professional for appropriate advice. © 2020 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.­­