6 December 2021

Update as of Monday 6th December 2021.

We are experiencing some disruption to our operations following a ransomware attack on part of our systems. As a precaution we have taken some servers offline, and we are working closely with cybersecurity specialists who are conducting an extensive investigation.

We have also notified the Information Commissioner’s Office as a precautionary matter, along with the Financial Conduct Authority.

As is often the case in these types of incidents, those responsible are also claiming to have taken data from our systems. The cybersecurity specialists are working hard to assess this claim and we are in ongoing communications with our staff and customers to ensure they feel fully supported.

While our investigation is ongoing, we are liaising closely with our clients and continuing to service them through our telephone and email communication lines which are working with limited disruption. We would like to apologise to our customers and partners for any inconvenience caused by the disruption and thank them for their patience and understanding at this time