11 February 2020

The latest research from insurance experts found that there has been a steady growth in the number of directors and officers (D&O) claims over the past few years. Indeed, senior leaders are being held increasingly liable for organisational disasters such as cyber-attacks, safety breaches and financial fallout. That being said, it’s crucial now more than ever for your business to have adequate D&O insurance.

Review these D&O policy renewal tips to ensure you are fully covered:

  • Understand your risks — It’s important that you identify your organisation’s potential D&O exposures by assessing industry specific risks, cyber-security measures, workplace health and safety procedures, and cash-flow practices.
  • Utilise proper documentation — In addition to identifying your D&O risks, keeping detailed documentation of your organisation’s risk management measures, financial history and past claims made can help insurers provide you with a more tailored policy.
  • Consult your broker — Above all, be sure to review your D&O policy with your broker to ensure bespoke cover for your unique needs.

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