13 May 2020


*The government’s Trade Credit Reinsurance Scheme, which provides a reinsurance guarantee of up to £10bn for trade credit insurance during the Covid-19 pandemic, will be extended for an additional six months, until 30 June 2021. Read government statement 06/01/2021 


13 May 2020

The government today has announced it has agreed to underwrite trade credit insurance for the rest of the year.*

This action will support many Credit insurance policyholders who faced having their cover withdrawn, or premiums increased to unaffordable levels.

The intervention hopes to gives businesses confidence to continue trading with their supply chain customers despite the fact that some of them will be in a much weaker financial position as a result of the Covid19 crisis.Please see published details 09/06/2020 


Verlingue Director of Trade Credit, Umberto Oliva said:

This is positive news from the UK Government recognising the importance of Trade Credit Insurance and the vital role it plays in keeping businesses trading with each other.

Insurers are predicting significant claims due to company failures with some experts advising that over 500,000 UK businesses are currently in significant financial distress. The Credit Insurance market was in real danger of seizing completely or increasing premiums to unaffordable levels.

We hope that this support will reduce, if not remove, the need for further cover being withdrawn and restore a degree of stability to the market.


­­What is Trade Credit Insurance?

  • Trade credit insurance safeguards companies, who offer credit terms, against the risk that their customers go bust before paying for goods they have ordered.This cover gives businesses the confidence to trade with one another.

What does the government announcement mean for businesses?

  • The government intervention will hopefully prevent the withdrawal of credit insurance, or premiums increasing to unaffordable levels. The government will temporarily guarantee business-to-business transactions by effectively reinsuring  Trade Credit Insurers against claims caused by business failures
  • The guarantee will help businesses to trade with confidence and maintain their supply chain as they can trust that they will be protected in the event a customer defaults on payment.

We are here to offer you and your business support

If you would like any support with what the government announcement will mean for your business, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our dedicated Trade Credit Team.

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